Twin Cities Roof Ice & Snow Removal


snow-load-weight-equivalents, roof snow load, snow & ice dam removal Minneapolis & St. PaulSnow and ice are a fact of life in Minnesota and most of us love it! Much of what Minnesota is known for is birthed out of our relationship to snow – hockey, ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, broomball and more. But as snow and ice piles up on the roof  ice dams can be a real problem for your residential or commercial building. This is why it is a good idea to have someone who can provide ice and snow removal from your property’s roofs.

A single snowflake is light and airy, but as the snow piles up so does the weight. As snow accumulates on a roof it can have devastating effects as we all saw when the Metrodome roof collapsed in December 2010. Researchers for the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety have found that 1 inch of ice, 3-5 inches of packed snow, or 10-12 inches of new snow equals about 5 pounds of weight per square foot of roof space. That means if you have two feet of old snow and 2 feet of new snow on your roof it could weigh as much as 60 pounds per square foot, which is more than the typical snow load capabilities for most roofs. Periodic roof snow removal can prevent heavy snow loads from causing your roof to collapse, particularly during snowy winters.

Ice Dam Removal – Commercial Properties & Townhouses


Illustration of places on a structure where roof snow & ice dams cause problems

The Dangers of Roof Snow & Ice Dams

Ice dams can create significant problems for your buildings. As the water from melting snow reaches cooler air at your roof’s eave area it refreezes, causing the water behind it to back up under your roofing materials and making its way into the structure below. As it penetrates inside your building it can cause rotting and mold inside the walls. Although not all ice dams mean interior damage it is best to have them removed as soon as possible. Then when time and conditions permit consult, a BEI professional who can suggest ideas for a more permanent solution to this issue.

BEI can remove excess snow and ice dams from your roof. We also install de-icing cables to help provide a more continuous relief of ice damming. Contact us today to see how we can help your roof weather winter.


Ice Dam Build-up on Minneapolis Townhouse Complex


Ice dam build-up in Minneapolis, MN Ice dam build-up in Minneapolis, MN Ice dam build-up in Minneapolis, MN


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